Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Teacher Training

This is a wonderful window if you want to take 200 hour teacher training or have reference material if you've already taken it.

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Yoga Teacher Training
  • Strong Traditional Hatha

    Enjoy the benefits of activity and rest in balance. Working with jnana yoga - the path of the intellect, see what awakens in you from this practice.

  • Traditional Sun Salutation

    Such a great way to begin moving your joints when you don't feel inspired. Enjoy the detailed description and cueing of these common forms

  • The meaning of Aum

    What does Om versus Aum mean? When is it best chanted and by whom? What does it actually mean? This is the kind deep learning you get in Yoga teacher Training

  • Shanti Mantra in the jungle

    A short explanation of the Shanti mantra with words to follow while in the jungle. A short 1.5 min sit after

  • Sun Salutation A

    Learn the nuances of sun salutation A and get a movement break

  • Hatha for the nervous system with Niki

    Morning or evening, this is a great class for balancing your nervous system.

  • Tend to your heart yin class

    We tend to overdo our "chest-openers" in contemporary yoga. This class will take you inward to your tender heart. Slow, soft and deep. Give yourself time after to experience the reverberations of this heartfelt offering.

  • What is yin yoga?

    For the full history, principles of yin and what this form of practice does to your fascia, check out my yin training that happens twice /year.

  • Yin for better sleep

    Slowing down and preparing the mind for rest

  • Ayurvedic Recommendations for better sleep

    Although Ayurvedic recommendations are unique to each person, these three general habits can help you get a better sleep. We explore the proverb; "A good day starts the night before."

  • Hatha & the Koshas

    Learn about the illusionary sheaths (Koshas) in this Hatha practice and how we purify the layers so the light of your Soul radiates more brilliantly.

  • The Koshas philosophy

    What are the layers that surround our infinite light? How do we purify them with Yoga? Photo by Adrien Converse

  • Assist lesson in Tadasana

    Gain a little insight into how to assist your student with a trauma-informed perspective

  • Assist lesson in Utthita Trikonasana / Triangle

    Understanding how the fascia moves helps to guide hands-on assists

  • Assist lesson in plank

    Perhaps one of the most challenging postures in yoga, learn how to assist and uplift

  • Assist lesson in twist

    There are many types of assists, here are a few, try it with a friend!

  • Meditation Demystified

    There are so many benefits of meditating and so many misunderstandings like "empty your mind". That's impossible! But you can begin to observe yourself and your thoughts and have moments of deep silence. Request further info on unceeded territories via [email protected]

  • Shankara Deva Dharma Practice

    Enjoy this immunity booster technique at the beginning of class. Shankara brings you into the present with this practice and gives you the flavour of this lineage.

  • Box breath practice

    An intense vinyasa box breath practice that will heat you internally.

  • Sun Salutation B

    Detailed explanation of this sun salutation. This is an Ashtanga lineage variation. It's a great way to get going

  • Shiva Shambhu Bhajan

    This Bhajan honours Shiva, the Adi-yogi, the first yogi who is known for destroying ignorance through realizing the true nature of reality. There are 108 forms of this God/energy. In the form of "Shiva," he embodies purity of mind and heart. Unlike Vedic recitation, Bhajan's melody and structure ...

  • An introduction to the Upanishads

    The Upanishads are the official philosophical texts that help explain The Vedas. Following the oral tradition of Yoga, these texts were meant to be shared orally, through sound. The texts themselves are just signposts.

  • Vata balancing

    Vata is a term used in Ayurveda to indicate characteristics of Air & Ether. People who have "Vata" in thier constitution tend to be creative, light, fun and great problem solvers. But when they are out of balance, they can be anxious, suffer with poor digestion and insomnia. This is a day time pr...

  • Yoga nidra in the forest

    A powerful practice of deep rest to rejuvenate your mind and body. This is great for a mid-day break to reset and re-energize with calm.