

You will learn the proper foundational breath work and how to follow the incremental steps as well as the influence of yoga within somatic (embodied) psychotherapy.

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  • Breath to give you energy

    This breath practice comes from "Integrated Body Psychotherapy," to give you energy when you feel depleted. Most of us do not take in enough breath/prana in to our systems to sustain our daily activities. This is simple practice and you will become better at it with time. Enjoy this breatha nd mo...

  • Nadi shodhana -part 1

    Nadi shodhana is alternate nostril breathing. If you can do this easy breathing variation once for 3-5 mins for 3 months, you will improve your health exponentially. We will add breath holds and variations in the next part. This first variation is natural breathing, not deep breathing.

  • Saraswati mantra

    Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge, wisdom and music. Chanting these vibrations will bring you peace and open you to those unique qualities. This si a bhakti yoga practice - the devotional path is considered one of the quickest ways to transcend, but who's rushing?! I hope you enjoy chanting as ...

  • Breath Practice to Reduce Anxiety

    Lengthen your breath and reduce anxiety. Use a two part inhale ~belly and chest and a long exhale. Try to breath through the nostrils on both the inhale and the exhale.

  • Breath for Expansion

    Inhale through the mouth and expand your lung capacity, relax into this expansion and give yourself energy for the day!

  • Kapalabhati Breath

    Exhales draw in the belly inward. A technique to develop internal fire and cleansing.

  • Nadi Shodhana Progressions

    After practicing natural alternate nostril breathing, add a hold in between nostrils. In the yogic tradition, typically female bodies begin breath on the left side and male bodies begin with the right side. Feel free to play with this especially if you feel identified differently from your physic...

  • Saraswati mantra x12

    Listen and learn the rhythm and sound to maximize vibrational benefits of peace, harmony and you inner wisdom

  • Types of Arkaya Pranayama

    Enjoy how these breathing practices make you feel!

  • Sustaining integration practice

    From Integrated Body Psychotherapy, these two poses will feel great whether morning, afternoon or evening!

  • Start your day with breath

    A quick pranayama practice for the day

  • Durga mantra on the beach

    This simple bij mantra is a good way to start a mantra practice. Listen to it, chant it, let is become you...

  • Prepare for breathing

    Open your ribs and diaphragm, shoulders and chest to enjoy free and open deep brerathing at the end

  • Restful breath

    Left nostril breathing has an incredible capacity to bring more relaxation into your life. A simple 2 min practice to change your mental and emotional state

  • Yoga is just a breathing practice

    Inspired by my ashtanga teacher, Carina in 2001. She used to say: "Yoga is just a breathing practice." What do you notice is different?