Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga

Developed in the 80's, this new form of yoga came from a Daoist philosophy to bring health to the joints and associated connective tissues by remaining still in shapes for longer periods of time. Closer to traditional Hatha practice in its pacing. Also uses TCM"s Meridian theory to remove blockages in one's energy field.

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Yin Yoga
  • Yin for spleen meridian

    A flowing chi spleen meridian can help with creativity, reducing anxiety, good nourishment and maintenance of skeletal muscles.

  • Yin for the spine

    We will move the spine in six joint directions for joint and fascia health. A mellow practice

  • Yin for neck

    Counter all your phone and computer work by targeting your neck and shoulders. Bastrika breath helps to release emotions.

  • Yin no props

    Enjoy a no props yin practice for the spine and shoulders. Each form is held for 2 minutes only. Find stillness and your happy goldilocks position sooner rather than later.

  • Yin No Props Reclined Practice

    Settle into a reclined yin practice. Without props, you will experience shorter two minute holds in each shape.

  • Yin (No Props)

    Bring loving-kindness into your yoga and into your life. Yin + philosophy is a great union to help the mind shift gears.

  • Wall Yin

    Students always comment when we use the wall in Yin. the wall as a prop has some effect beyond other props. See for yourself.

  • Yin with Indigenous story

    Long, slow yin yoga holds while listening to the Indigenous story of humility. Honouring the Indigenous tradition, Richard Wagamese from his book One Drum, I have done my best to re-tell this teaching story. Please support Indigenous work if you liked this story.

  • Yin for better sleep

    Slowing down and preparing the mind for rest

  • Tend to your heart yin class

    We tend to overdo our "chest-openers" in contemporary yoga. This class will take you inward to your tender heart. Slow, soft and deep. Give yourself time after to experience the reverberations of this heartfelt offering.

  • Morning yin

    slow down and take it slow with a morning yin class - it's active and relaxed. Just what you need for balance.

  • What is yin yoga?

    For the full history, principles of yin and what this form of practice does to your fascia, check out my yin training that happens twice /year.

  • Quiet Yin for hips

    The hip joint is a great target area to bring yin health into the joints and tissues. Mellow voice and vibe to get you in the mood.