

Ayurveda gives Yogic recommendations to bring health to the whole body and mind. It surprises people but if we much categorize this holistic model, we would say Yoga is for the mind and Ayurveda is for the body. To know ayurveda is to deepen your yoga practice.

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  • Cooling practice or "Pitta Balancing"

    In Ayurveda, each constitution requires certain yoga postures and breathing for balance. If you are in a leadership position or love to organize, this practice will bring you peace. Ayurveda + Yoga are meant to be used together for individualized holistic health.

  • Ayurvedic massage

    Ayurvedic massage brings health through circulating your blood and energy. Using oil on your skin will absorb into your total body systems including your organs which has shown to improve health.

  • Ayurvedic daily routine: Dinacharya

    This is one of the top 7 ayurvedic recommendations for a healthy life.

  • 15 min chill seated traditional hatha practice

    Includes Ayurvedic massage, juthi and simple stretches that feel good and help your mind and body to settle on the beach

  • The Six tastes in Ayurvedic nutrition

    There are a few major differences between the western and Ayurvedic nutrition - the six tastes is one of those pillars for learning how to balance your health through food. In Ayurveda, Food is medicine.